Discover the Joy
of living with a
Purebred MaineCoonCat from
Coons’Kin Maine Coons
Established 1984

Welcome to Coons'Kin
Coons'Kin Maine Coon Cats is a reputable Maine Coon Cat Breeder located in San Diego. With a passion for feline companionship, we have been dedicated to breeding and raising Maine Coon cats since 1984. Our cats are known for their affectionate nature, loving personalities, and entertaining antics . We take pride in providing a nurturing environment for our cats, ensuring their health and well-being from birth until they find their forever family. We believe that our cats are not just pets, but cherished family members. Discover the joy of owning a Coons'Kin Maine Coon cat today.
Image Gallery
There may be no better way to communicate how wonderful our Maine Coons are than through images. Take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch. These images are just a sampling of our Maine Coons from over the years. Enjoy....